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电话: 0551-4496775
传真: 0551-4496775
姓名: Aaron
Mei Shuo Office Co.,Ltd

  Mei Shuo Office Co,.Ltd is located in the beautiful lakeside city -Hefei City,Anhui Province,China. Our company is mainly engaged in the office products' design,production and export&import. We currently have three products system as follows: 1. ID system:main products are badge clips,badge reels,hard plastic badge holders,soft PVC card holders,water-proof badge holders,leather badge holders and all kinds of lanyards,plastic *域名隐藏* . 2. Binding System:main products are PVC/PP bi

主要产品/业务: badge lanyards,badge holder,badge clips,badge reels

Mei Shuo Office Co.,Ltd / 安徽 / 安徽省合肥市 (230011) / 电话:0551-4496775

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